Exploring your options

When you’re considering what healthcare coverage you need, we suggest you start with medical because it’s the one you’ll probably use most.

Your options through Asurion Benefits Central for medical, dental and vision coverage will follow the same process: pick a metallic option, then pick an insurance carrier.

Dismiss the idea that one metallic option is automatically better than another just because of its name. The fact that you’d rather have more gold or platinum in your bank account is not necessarily true of your healthcare coverage.

My Favorites

Your decision shouldn’t just be based on premium cost.

In fact, there are three components of healthcare cost you should consider before choosing an option.

Did you see your doctor only for a preventive exam? Then you might be able to get away with the lowest paycheck deductions. Do you have multiple dependents who could have high healthcare needs? You might want to consider a lower–risk plan with higher paycheck deductions. Higher coverage at the point of service equals higher paycheck deductions.

The best way to budget for future healthcare needs is to look at your healthcare expenses from the previous year. When you use your medical coverage, you have to meet your option’s deductible before the option shares cost. After you meet the deductible, you pay a percentage of the cost—coinsurance—until you reach the option’s annual out-of-pocket maximum. At that point your financial responsibility is satisfied for the year.

Most people don’t think about unforeseen healthcare incidents—but they happen! And if you experience one before you meet your deductible, you may end up with a large medical bill. Good news! Asurion offers a couple of pretax savings accounts for healthcare needs: a flexible spending account (FSA) or a Health Savings Account (HSA), which is available with the Silver option.


Your premiums, i.e. per-paycheck cost


Your deductible + coinsurance = your share of the cost of care


Your healthcare savings

Comparing plans

Bronze Plus





100% covered

100% covered

100% covered

100% covered


Rates depend on ZIP code and coverage level






PCP / Specialist

$30 / $50

$25 / $40

$25 / $40

You pay the cost of visit until deductible is met







Employee only / Family

$2,300 / $4,600

$800 / $1,600

$250 / $500

$1,700 / $3,400






Out-of-pocket maximum

$6,700 / $13,400

$3,600 / $7,200

$2,300 / $4,600

$4,250 / $8,500


Flexible Spending Account

Health Savings Account

FSA optional

HSA not available

FSA optional

HSA not available

FSA optional

HSA not available

Dental and vision FSA optional

HSA available


Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3




No copayments
25% after deductible

Another important consideration: Your carrier

After you’ve chosen a metallic option, you’ll choose an insurance carrier. Your options will vary based on your home ZIP code, but you’re bound to find a carrier that meets your budget and needs. You’ll have a variety of national and regional carriers to consider.

As part of your decision, check to make sure your doctor is in-network with the insurance carrier you’re considering, unless you don’t mind having to switch providers. Depending on the option, you may pay 20-30% more to use an out-of-network provider. In addition, your in- and out-of-network deductibles accrue separately. For lowest cost, you should always choose in-network providers.

Here is an overview of your insurance carrier options.

Visit the insurance carrier member pages on Asurion Benefits Central for more information about these and regional options.





Available in all states

Claims advocacy support

Fitness center discounts

Doctor’s office visits

Infertility care coordination

Mobile app

Nutrition program discounts

Special needs care coordination


Gender Affirming Care Coordination

You may notice some carriers have lower or higher premiums than others. Each carrier is different and offers their own price for each option and coverage level. They also have their own network of providers.

What’s not different are the medical options. The insurance carriers offered to you will cover the benefits of the medical options in the same way.

You can compare the details when you enroll online, to see which carrier is offering you the best deal.

